To give someone a heads up

Hello everyone!

“To give someone a heads up”. Have you ever heard of this expression? Well let me give you a picture to help you get it.

Imagine you are walking in the park and suddenly someone shouts “heads up” and you see a golf ball heading your way. Someone is giving you a heads up to warn you of the incoming ball. Quite literal, isn’t it?

Here are some examples where the expression is used in a more metaphorical (and more usual) context:

  • Thanks for giving me a heads up about the meeting the other day.
  • I’m going to text Anna and give her a heads up that we are heading her way.
  • Giving people a heads up is a common courtesy. I hate being caught unprepared.
  • They gave me no warning. I would’ve appreciated a heads up.

Not too difficult, is it? Would you be up for having a go at writing some of your own examples? Write to us in the comments section.

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