You snooze, you lose

I love this expression, but I hate it when people use it with me!
So imagine this situation (which happened to me recently):

Backstreet Boys is having a concert in Barcelona after a long time, but by the time you realise the concert is taking place, all the tickets are sold out.

That’s when someone would say to me “You snooze, you lose!”

“You snooze, you lose” is an expression we use when an opportunity was lost because you weren’t paying enough attention.

Here are some situations I would use this expression:

  • You missed your train because you were playing on your phone and didn’t notice.
  • You missed the offer sent to you because you forgot to open the email.
  • You are interested in buying a flat, but someone else made an offer before you did.
  • You missed your flight because your alarm didn’t go off.

What do you think? Would you like to send us some scenarios where you would use this expression? Write to us in the comments section.

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